Simone Bonavita

Piazza Armando Diaz 7, 20123 Milano, Italia
Tel.: +39 02.4070.1644
Fax: +39 02.4070.2478

Simone has been working with the Firm since 2008, right after graduating with a law degree from the University of Milan, with a thesis on privacy, new technologies and digital investigations. He obtained a master’s degree (LLM) from the Alma Mater – University of Bologna, in new technology law and legal informatics and did his Ph.D. in law and new technologies (Phd) at the Alma Mater – University of Bologna, under the guidance of Prof. G. Sartor, with a doctoral thesis related to data processing in the hyperconnected society. He then held a postdoctoral perid at the EUI in Florence.

Simone is Director of the Information Society Law Center (ISLC) at the University of Milan ( and Adjunct Professor in Sensitive Data Processing at the University of Milan, for the current academic year.

Within the firm, he focuses his professional activity almost exclusively in the area of new technology law, dealing, in particular, with digital communication law, privacy and personal data protection, Internet Service Provider liability, social media governance, gaming and digital investigations, and computer forensics. He also advises in the fields of computer subject matter contracting, free software, and privacy by design.